
Be omnivorous, don't just read one kind of book, read everything. - Richard Wagamese

Friday, December 2, 2016

November Wrap Up

November was a great reading month for me. I finally started to get back into reading during the evening. It also helps that hockey is back, and I don't feel bad reading when my husband is watching hockey. 2016 was not a good reading year for me, I don't think I'll end up reading 30 books this year. It's okay, I'm fine with that. I'm really hoping that 2017 is a better reading year for me. It's so enjoyable to dive into a book and get hooked. I've been reading alot of back list titles on my Kobo. I haven't been paying much attention to new releases.

I read some really great books that kept me reading. Joseph Boyden is an amazing writer, and Wenjack was a fantastic novella. I'm hoping to get around to a few more of his books in 2017. Sarah Jio was a new to me author that I had sitting on my Kobo for years. I'm so happy that I finally read some of her books. I really want to read all of her books. I believe she also has a new book coming out next year. A Christmas to Remember really wasn't my favorite, I think I would have enjoyed it more if it was edited a little more. The ending was good, but the story overall was okay. I would try another Jenny Hale book though. The last book that I read was Unwind, and it was really interesting. I really stayed away from YA books this year, because none of them really seemed like something I would like. I was really happy that Unwind was as good as it was.

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