
Be omnivorous, don't just read one kind of book, read everything. - Richard Wagamese

Thursday, September 29, 2011

Book Blogger Hop

Hosted by: Crazy For Books.com

“In honor of Banned Books Week, what is your favorite “banned or frequently challenged book”?

I'm joining in on the hop this week, and my favorite banned book is 

The Absolutely True Diary of a Part Time Indian" by Sherman Alexie

You can read my review HERE

Goodreads Description:

With his first foray into teen literature, acclaimed author Sherman Alexie packs a punch in this absorbing novel about a Native American boy searching for a brighter future. At once humorous and stirring, Alexie's novel follows Junior, a resident of the Spokane reservation who transfers out of the reservation's school -- and into a nearby rich, all-white farm school -- in order to nurture his desire to become a cartoonist. Junior encounters resistance there, a backlash at home, and numerous family problems -- all the while relaying his thoughts and feelings via amusing descriptions and drawings. Having already garnered a National Book Award for Young Adult Literature, this moving look at race and growing up is definitely one to pick up.


  1. I haven't read this book yet. Looks awesome. There are a lot of great challenged/banned books. Thanks for stopping by.

  2. I've never heard of this one.

    I forgot all about banned book week this year :(

  3. I cannot understand the logic behind the banning of these books. Coming through on the blog hop.

  4. Hi hopping through, hoping you will follow me back at http://www.beckvalleybooks.blogspot.com thks in advance

  5. I haven't read this book. I'll have to look into it. It sounds good. New follower. Happy Friday!


  6. I haven't read a ton of banned books, so I don't have a favorite right now, but I do want to read this one! It seems like it would pull quite a few heartstrings for me.

  7. I read your review and this sounds like a great book- adding it to my TBR list!

  8. I've never heard of this book, but it looks interesting!

  9. This book has been on my TBR but its banned status makes me want to read it all the more!

  10. I've been curious about this one since I saw it listed. Defintely looks like something I should read.

  11. I just ADORE Banned Books Week! I think it's so awesome that so many bloggers are participating because I think I can speak for everyone when I say that banning books is WRONG! :)

    This is the first I've heard about this one, but it sounds pretty cool! Awesome pick, Mrs. Q!

  12. Thanks for stopping by my blog. I havent read this one, I may have to check it out though. I followed back :)

  13. So glad to see that this is your favorite banned book! I am going over to check your review!

  14. I've never actually participated in Banned Books week, but as I read the 2010-2011 list, I find I've read many of them. I'll have to check out the one you mentioned. Come over to my blog if you get the chance. Here's my post: http://bookendcrossing.blogspot.com/2011/10/book-blogger-hop-930-103.html

    Have a great weekend!

  15. I haven't read this book either, but it definitely sounds like one I should read! Thanks for putting it on my radar. :)

  16. WHY HAVE I NOT READ THIS BOOK? every time i pick this one off my shelf and read a bit, i go, I LOVE THIS, but because of more pressing reads i keep holding off reading the whole thing through. how lame, eh?
