
Be omnivorous, don't just read one kind of book, read everything. - Richard Wagamese

Thursday, September 29, 2011

Review: Have A Little Faith by Mitch Albom

Publisher: Hyperion 
Pages: 249 
Source: Personal Copy 

'Have a Little Faith' is a heart-warming read. Mitch Albom writes an incredible story of an aging Rabi, and an African American pastor who was addicted to drugs but managed to turn his life around. In the middle we have Mitch himself, learning, observing and growing. The book begins with one question 'Will you do my Eulogy?' Mitch is concerned, confused and a little turned off from that morbid question. He believes that he is not the right man for the job, and why would his Rabi decide to ask him? Mitch does not decide right away to plan his eulogy, he agrees to meet with his Rabi for a few weeks and get to know him on a personal level. A few weeks, turned into a few years. Does he write the eulogy? Yes. Does this book turn out to be more than just a eulogy? Yes. Mitch recounts his own struggles with religion. He profiles his Rabi, and a convict turned pastor. Each has their own story and their own inspirational tales. One thing is clear in this story, it does not matter which religion you come from, each should respect and love one another. One quote I loved was 'may your god, and my god bless you.' 

I think there is comfort in religion. Religions all have one thing in common: faith. Hope is what we need when our world is confusing. Faith supports and sustains many of us. While reading this book I was mesmerized. I couldn't put it down. I highly recommend this one, especially for someone who is struggling with their beliefs. 

Here are some wonderful quotes from the book. 

' It is far more comforting to think God listened and said No, than to think that nobody's out there.' P. 82 

'When you lose someone you love, you can curse God. You can yell. You can blame him. You can demand to know why. But I don't believe in God. I'm a doctor! and I couldn't help my bother.' P 82. 

Part of the reason I drifted from my faith was that I didn't want to feel defensive about it. A pathetic reason, looking back, but true.' P. 157 

The Reb once did a sermon on how the same things in life can be good or evil depending on what, with free will, we do with them. Speech can bless or curse. Money can save or destroy. Science can heal or kill. Even nature can work for you or against you: fire can warm or burn, water can sustain life or flood it away.' P. 198


  1. This does sound like an comforting read.

  2. I'd really like to read this book! I read another of his books, The Five People You Meet in Heaven, and really enjoyed it. I definitely need to read more of his work. :) Thanks for sharing this review!

  3. This sounds like an amazing and such a spiritual read! <3 I'm so glad you enjoyed it and that it helped you in your faith. God Bless!

  4. Sounds excellent. Definitely like something I should read.

  5. I can imagine that I would enjoy this book a lot, as I am a person who is very interested in my faith and the faith of others. This was a great review of a book that I really need to check out. Thanks for sharing it!

  6. I've read a couple Mitch Albom books. Great review!

  7. For me, no. But for others, then yes :)

  8. Ooooh that last quote is profound and I love it. I've read Alborn's other books and loved them all. I'll have to pick this one up sometime too. His books never disappoint me.
