
Be omnivorous, don't just read one kind of book, read everything. - Richard Wagamese

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Review: The Iron Daughter by Julie Kagawa

Publisher: Harlequin Teen
Pages: 304
Source: Netgalley
"The Iron daughter" picks up almost immediately after " The Iron King." Julie Kagawa has released an in-between novel called "Winter's Passage" that covers what's missing. Meghan Chase voluntarily agrees to follow Prince Ash back to Winter Kingdom when he  holds his end of the bargain and assists with getting her brother back from the Iron King.  Meghan is now in Queen Mab's court, held prisoner and Ash warns her to be strong, show no emotion and be smart. Meghan becomes more worried when a lengthily time passes, and nothing much has seemed to happen. Why is Queen Mab stalling? Meghan is at the mercy of the Unseelie court, it becomes clear that her powers have dissipated and Ash is nowhere to be found. Ash quickly becomes cold, distant and malicious, leaving Meghan to wonder where they stand- was she under the influence of his glamour? Changing of the seasons brings about changing of the sceptre and King Oberon has vowed to bring his daughter back to her rightful place-summer court after the ceremony. When King Oberon realizes that Meghan has volunteered to come to Winter Court, he is furious with her actions. At this point, there is nothing he can do to help. Meghan Chase must figure this out by herself. Suddenly, the sceptre is stolen and Prince Ash's brother lays dying while Meghan tries to convince everyone that the Iron Knights are at fault. Winter court and Summer court are quick to blame one another and war is requisitioned. 
"The Iron Daughter" did not disappointed, I honestly think it was better than the "Iron King." Where book one was more about building the fairy world, book two was all about storytelling and plot development. Meghan is a great heroine, while she is highly flawed she is relatable. I feel like she has grown a lot from book one, and has begun to distance herself from her past. While she still loves and wishes her family the best, she knows where she belongs. At times she does become whiny, but she has to deal with some heavy circumstances. Ash becomes questionable when he unilaterally decides what is best for their doomed relationship. You really will want to knock some sense into him but when the subject of his lost loves comes about, you really will have your heart break. Puck remains the best friend but clearly his heart wants more. If your "Team Puck" you will enjoy this one. New characters are introduced which adds to the Faery world and builds a solid setting. Julie Kagawa takes her readers on another wild ride and I can't wait to read "The Iron Queen."  


  1. Thanks for the review. I have The Iron King from the Kindle store and The Iron Queen and The Iron Night from Netgalley. I have yet to start the series though!

  2. This series DOES rock, even for this adult reader! Great review!

  3. I LOVE this series and I gush to everyone about it! Each book just keeps getting better. I read The Iron Knight a few weeks ago and it was just perfect. Glad you're enjoying the Iron fey!

  4. Still haven't read the first book and I really need to start it. Everyone seems to love these so I hope they really are good.

  5. I was surprised at how much I like The Iron King. I'll have to read this one next.

  6. ohhh i really need to get started on this series! i have the iron king sitting on my shelf and hopefully i can get to it soon.

  7. *facepalm* I still haven't read this series! I keep hearing about Team Ash and Team Puck and I feel like I'm missing out :) Usually I find that sequels tend to not be as good which is why I love it even more when the second book is even better than the first. Great review!

    P.S. Thanks for stopping by my blog.

  8. This series gets better and better as it goes along! I love it, and can't wait to start The Iron Knight! :) Enjoy reading the rest of the series! Great review!

  9. I need to read this series! It sounds addictive.

  10. Hey pretty!!

    Im glad you liked this book! I really love Julie Kagawa!! cant wait for the Iron KNight =9.

    I notice you studied at Concordia! I am at concordia in Art Education =D.

    We should meet someday and talk about books ^_^

    yoyoyoy~ About your confession... LOL! I do judge books by their covers too XD we shouldn't but it is way to hard not to do it. Gorgeous covers kinda posses me XDDD

    take care!

  11. I really have to try her books. Must must read them :) Peeps sure seem to enjoy them

  12. I agree that THE IRON DAUGHTER is better than IRON KING...and not just because I'm Team Puck. In fact, I think it's the best in the series. Great review!

  13. Another series to add to the already too stuffed shelf. Yikes ... time to invest in a E READER!
