
Be omnivorous, don't just read one kind of book, read everything. - Richard Wagamese

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Review: Postcards From A Dead Girl by Kirk Farber

Publisher: Harper Perennial 
Pages: 256 
Source: Publisher 

Postcards from a Dead Girl is a short, quirky novel. Sid Higgins is a telemarketer for a travel agency, he's a dog owner, and a brother. Occasionally, his dead mother decides to speak to him. He believes he may have a brain tumour. He's also the receiver of several postcards, all sent from his dead ex-girlfriend. Sid Higgins is a hypochondriac.Throughout the novel Sid is trying to track down how these postcards were sent to him. Considering his ex-girlfriend has been dead for over a year, Sid's confusion is justified. Sid is afraid and alone but trying to hide his fears and concerns. He's trapped in an unfulfilling job. He has creditors constantly calling him, he manages to avoid them by telling them Sid is never home. He also has a neighbour who likes to ask him a lot of questions. Sid is perplexed about these postcards. He decides he must follow the trail. He's received about a dozen year old postcards, all with generic 'wish you were here' messages, and he's determined to find out how they were sent to him. Sid decides he must travel to the places they were sent from in order to solve the mysterious postcards. 

The story resembled a darker version of 'P.S I love You.' I began to question Sid's mental state, and I wondered if Zoe was really dead. I though about his possible brain tumour, and thought maybe that had something to do with all of this. I sensed that maybe he wanted to have a brain tumour, he wanted to find a reason to explain all his issues. I was sympathetic to Sid but I really wanted to know what was going on. I didn't feel like he was a reliable witness. I felt confused at times, and became frustrated with Sid. I did enjoy the story, I thought it was very well written. However, it didn't really appeal to me. I have read many positive reviews and I think they all have merit. However, this just wasn't my type of novel. 


  1. When I first started to read your review the first thought that came to mind was P.S. I Love You. Your review does have me curious as to how this turns out in the end although the fact that Sid confused and frustrated you may deter me from reading it. Maybe this is one to lookout for at the library. Thanks for your honest review.

  2. Hey there! Just popping in to say that I am glad that you linked to your new site! I thought you were gone! I am adding your new feed to my reader, and will be checking in with you again regularly. Thanks!

  3. Sorry to see this didn't work for you, but I'm glad to see it's well written.

  4. I have to admit you have me curious about this one. The circumstances are all to peculiar to not want to know how it al ends. Sorry it wasn't your type of book, but nice review nonetheless.

  5. Sounds odd. You've caught my attention though. I may have to give it a shot, since it is short.

  6. Huh. I've never heard of this one. But I really can't read those dark, melancholy novels. I always get too depressed. I couldn't even handle P.S. I love you! Lol. But great review, even though it wasn't your thing.

  7. This is a new one to me as well! It really does sound interesting, and I love quirky books. :) Thanks for sharing your review, I'm definitely going to check this out!

  8. I loved PS I Love You so that this is a dark version of that intrigues me but sometimes dark just isn't for me. Hmmm....

  9. Postcards from a Dead Girl is a great book and one i'd definitely recommend.

  10. @ Mark I think I'm so use to liking the characters when I read. I'm learning that I don't necessarily have to like every character and still be able to enjoy a book.

  11. Great review and it sounds interesting. I might check it out!

  12. Oh how cool. I love the sound of this one.

    BTW I like that you're on Blogger now :)

  13. Too bad... I guess if you're trying to constantly determine what is real - it may off kilter the reading.
