
Be omnivorous, don't just read one kind of book, read everything. - Richard Wagamese

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Review: Beautiful People by Wendy Holden

Publisher: Sourcebooks 
Pages: 410 
Source: Publisher 

Wendy Holden's Beautiful People is a fun, witty, story about the trial and tribulations of the acting industry. There are those who are famous for their love of acting, and those who are actors because of their love for being famous. Darcy, a young British struggling actress receives a call from a Los Angeles agent wanting to put her in the next big movie. Reluctant at first, her agent convinces her that this is be the best thing for her. Once she has enough money, she will be able to pick and choose the roles she wants. At this point in her life she needs to take what she can get. While she is in Los Angeles, the newspapers turn up with photos of her boyfriend. Her boyfriend, kissing Belle Murphy, Hollywood's size zero starlet. Belle was the hottest star a year ago. After her recent million dollar movie flopped, afraid to be forgotten, she adopts an African baby to gain publicity. However, the paparazzi lost interest quick and now she is stuck with a crying infant. She has a nanny but she refuses to pay her. Belle will do anything to stay in the public's eye. She loves being famous, acting not so much... 

This book is very hard for me to review. There are many secondary characters, that are all tied together by the end of the book. There are many, many secondary characters and for that reason I had a hard time with my synopsis. The two characters I was mostly interested in was Belle and Darcy. Belle's nanny Emma was also a favourite of mine. Her character has a 'Nanny Diary' feel and I really enjoyed reading her storyline. This is a chunky novel, and I did enjoy it. However, near the end I just wanted it to be over. I wanted to find out what happened to all the characters, and wanted to move on. I think the writing was great, and I will read more from Wendy Holden. British humour is great but the length ruined the book for me.

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  1. I love British humour too, I might check this one out. The cover is cute!

  2. It sounds like this one has a very interesting premise, but had too many secondary characters. I might have had a problem with that. I really like British humor, and find it very dry and witty, but I am not sure this is the book for me, despite the good impressions I have of it. Great review today! Very well written and thoughtful.

  3. I love the kind of fun and flirty cover of this one, but I always have trouble when there are more secondary characters than I can keep track of. I love to get really involved in their stories and it's hard to do that when there are huge numbers of characters. Thanks for the review!

  4. Great review. I have never heard of this book before but it sounds like it could be a funny light read.

  5. It sounds like this book drug on for longer than necessary - it probably could have used a good edit.

  6. The name sounds so familiar, I have might have seen something at the library by her :)

    But if it is too long...

  7. Aww, this one sounds like such a sweet read! It's too bad it was one of those books for you where it felt like it dragged on a little too long -- I always don't like those ones either, because it makes me really guilty to skim over paragraphs. But who DOESN'T love British humor?? ;) And I love the cover!

    Awesome review, Mrs. Q! :) I'm glad it was a witty read though!

  8. I love the British humor, but I am not sure I could keep track of all the secondary characters....I would probably need some kind of character map or something. Thanks for sharing this one; It's definitely new-to-me.

  9. It is a shame that this book was a bit muddled as I like the premise.

  10. Nice review, Jennifer! This looks like an interesting book. It is sad how the movie world works - a star today is forgotten tomorrow.
