
Be omnivorous, don't just read one kind of book, read everything. - Richard Wagamese

Tuesday, December 20, 2011

New Comment System

I've decided to install Intense Debate on my blog. I really wanted to be able to reply to comments.

If you have any issues using Intense Debate, please let me know.


  1. mrsqbookaddict @ http://www.mrsqbookadd... - New Comment System 3 weeks ago · 0 replies · +1 points
    No, I selected to put Intense Debate on all new posts.
    My recent post New Comment System

    Marg @ http://www.mrsqbookadd... - New Comment System 3 weeks ago · 1 reply · +1 points
    Did you lose your blogger comments at all. I have thought about changing over but I know that some people lost their comments and I would hate to lose 6 years of interaction with commenters.

    Melissa @ http://www.mrsqbookadd... - New Comment System 3 weeks ago · 0 replies · 0 points
    Thanks! I guess I'll have to go set up an account. I like seeing avatars with comments. I like having the ability to reply to specific comments.
    My recent post Mailbox Monday...The Week Before Christmas Edition

    mrsqbookaddict @ http://www.mrsqbookadd... - New Comment System 3 weeks ago · 1 reply · +1 points
    Yes I think you need an Intense Debate account.

    Melissa @ http://www.mrsqbookadd... - New Comment System 3 weeks ago · 2 replies · 0 points
    Okay. How do I get my blogger avatar to show up using this comment system? Do I have to create an intensedebate account?
    My recent post Mailbox Monday...The Week Before Christmas Edition

    Melissa @ http://www.mrsqbookadd... - New Comment System 3 weeks ago · 3 replies · 0 points
    I might have to try using this one for my blog, so long as it's easy to install.
    My recent post Mailbox Monday...The Week Before Christmas Edition

    Sarah (saz101) @ http://www.mrsqbookadd... - New Comment System 3 weeks ago · 0 replies · 0 points
    Congrats on the mooove! I hope it works well. I love that you can reply to comments--I HATE that you can't on Blogger's native system :/

  2. Coffee & Book Chick @ http://www.mrsqbookadd... - New Comment System 3 weeks ago · 0 replies · 0 points
    It's always seemed to work well on other sites, so should be good for you as well! I get nervous to switch my commenting process because knowing my luck, I'll mess it up :)

    mrsqbookaddict @ http://www.mrsqbookadd... - New Comment System 3 weeks ago · 0 replies · +1 points
    Hi Cindy,

    It's very simple. I saved my template, uploaded it to Intense Debate, and copy/pasted the entire code back into my template and no issues. The instructions are simple when using Blogger.

    mrsqbookaddict @ http://www.mrsqbookadd... - New Comment System 3 weeks ago · 0 replies · +1 points
    I have used Disqus before, but my experience it that people tend to not link back to their website. I really like to visit those who visit me, and that always annoyed me. I like Intense Debate.

    Laura Fabiani @ http://www.mrsqbookadd... - New Comment System 3 weeks ago · 1 reply · 0 points
    Thanks for posting about this because I have been wanting a system to reply to comments too! I will now look into Intense Debate.

    CindysLoveofBooks @ http://www.mrsqbookadd... - New Comment System 3 weeks ago · 1 reply · 0 points
    Jennifer is this hard to install on blogger? I have been thinking about doing this but wasn't sure.

    blodeuedd @ http://www.mrsqbookadd... - New Comment System 3 weeks ago · 0 replies · 0 points

    JJ iReads @ http://www.mrsqbookadd... - New Comment System 3 weeks ago · 0 replies · +1 points
    Yes I agree. That's my favorite feature. I also like that you can reply/moderate via email. It's very convenient when you're mobile most of the time.

    I also enabled the "commentluv" add-in. It's an easy way for readers to leave their link back.

    mrsqbookaddict @ http://www.mrsqbookadd... - New Comment System 3 weeks ago · 1 reply · +1 points
    When I was using Iweb, I tried to use it and it didn't work very well. Since moving everything over to Blogger I wanted to try it again. I love being able to reply to comments.

    JJ iReads @ http://www.mrsqbookadd... - New Comment System 3 weeks ago · 2 replies · +1 points
    I started using Intense Debate last week and I really like it so far.

    mrsqbookaddict @ http://www.mrsqbookadd... - New Comment System 3 weeks ago · 0 replies · +1 points
    Thank you! I'm really looking forward to being able to reply to comments.

    bermudaonion @ http://www.mrsqbookadd... - New Comment System 3 weeks ago · 1 reply · +1 points
    I'll test it out for you.

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