
Be omnivorous, don't just read one kind of book, read everything. - Richard Wagamese

Wednesday, December 21, 2011

WOW: Glow & Cracked

Synopsis (2012 Debut March)

In the autumn of 1941, Amelia J. McGee, a young woman of Cherokee and Scotch-Irish descent, and an outspoken pamphleteer for the NAACP, hastily sends her daughter, Ella, alone on a bus home to Georgia in the middle of the night—a desperate action that is met with dire consequences when the child encounters two drifters and is left for dead on the side of the road. Ella awakens to find herself in the homestead of Willie Mae Cotton, a hoodoo practitioner and former slave, and her partner, Mary-Mary Freeborn, tucked away in the fertile Takatoka Forest. As Ella begins to heal, the legacies of her lineage are revealed.

Glow transports us from Washington, D.C., on the brink of World War II to 1836 and into the mountain coves of Hopewell County, Georgia, full of ghosts both real and imagined. Illuminating the tragedy of human frailty, the power of friendship and hope, and the fiercest of all human bonds—mother-love—this stunning debut will appeal to readers of both Sue Monk Kidd's The Secret Life of Bees and Amy Greene's Bloodroot.

Cracked by K M Walton


Sometimes there's no easy way out.

Victor hates his life. He has no friends, gets beaten up at school, and his parents are always criticizing him. Tired of feeling miserable, Victor takes a bottle of his mother's sleeping pills—only to wake up in the hospital.

Bull is angry, and takes all of his rage out on Victor. That makes him feel better, at least a little. But it doesn't stop Bull's grandfather from getting drunk and hitting him. So Bull tries to defend himself with a loaded gun.

When Victor and Bull end up as roommates in the same psych ward, there's no way to escape each other or their problems. Which means things are going to get worse—much worse—before they get better….

1 comment:

  1. Samual @ http://www.mrsqbookadd... - WOW: Glow & Cracked 2 weeks ago · 0 replies · 0 points
    Oh. I like the sounds of Grow. The cover is pretty! Great choice! Thank you for sharing!

    My recent post Thursday Revisits (2): Story of a Girl by Sara Zarr

    Kristina @ http://www.mrsqbookadd... - WOW: Glow & Cracked 3 weeks ago · 0 replies · 0 points
    I can not wait to read Cracked! It looks so good.

    bermudaonion @ http://www.mrsqbookadd... - WOW: Glow & Cracked 3 weeks ago · 0 replies · +1 points
    Tuccelli spoke on a panel at SIBA and she had everyone in the room crying before it was over with.

    Amused @ http://www.mrsqbookadd... - WOW: Glow & Cracked 3 weeks ago · 0 replies · 0 points
    Glow sounds like exactly the kind of book I love! Thanks for turning me onto it!

    JP @ Elle Lit @ http://www.mrsqbookadd... - WOW: Glow & Cracked 3 weeks ago · 0 replies · 0 points
    Both of these sound great!! So many great 2012 releases... I'm going to need another bookshelf!

    zibilee @ http://www.mrsqbookadd... - WOW: Glow & Cracked 3 weeks ago · 0 replies · 0 points
    These both sound good for different reasons, and would probably provoke very different reactions from me. I think I am going to have to add both of these to my list. Thanks for the great spotlights today!

    Janiera Eldridge @ http://www.mrsqbookadd... - WOW: Glow & Cracked 3 weeks ago · 0 replies · 0 points
    Both of these sound like really deep and emotional reads. Great picks!
    My WOW

    My recent post Waitng on Wednesday #7~Illuminate

    jenny @ http://www.mrsqbookadd... - WOW: Glow & Cracked 3 weeks ago · 0 replies · 0 points
    Cracked sounds really intense and emotional, I'm looking forward to reading it! Those are the types of books that always stick with me the longest. Fantastic picks Jennifer!
