
Be omnivorous, don't just read one kind of book, read everything. - Richard Wagamese

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Review: Truth by Julia Karr

Publisher: Puffin
Pages: 272
Source: Publisher
Rating: 4/5

Book 1 XVI- Review

Nina Oberon’s world was turned upside down when her mother was brutally murdered. Life as she knew it changed forever. In addition to the adjustment of her mother gone, she discovers that her father is alive and well. He’s been fighting in the resistance and had to stay away to protect his family. Nina’s little sister Dee doesn’t know that they share the same father, and the father she knows has been killed. Nina’s XVI tattoo is fresh, and she must be aware of predators as she is now seen as fair game. Life gets a little more complicated for the Oberon sisters when their grandfather is arrested, and their grandmother suffers a heart attack. Cracks are beginning to show in the system, and some key details are revealed to the citizens. Unfortunately, the media twists the truth for their own personal gain. Nina is determined to assist the resistance, protect her family, and stand by the truth.

Truth picks up immediately after XVI, the sequel is packed with conflict, hurdles, and suspense. This novel is less about world building, and more about plot. Nina and Dee are evicted, and forced to seek shelter in the Jenkins home. This brings about a different dynamic. Nina is now living in her best friend’s house, and it becomes clear that their parents were once really good friends. Other friends of Nina’s parents come out of the woodwork as well. Life has been hectic. While Nina is dealing with many circumstances, she’s also dealing with being a teenager and having a boyfriend. Her emotions are further confused when her boyfriend is never around, and she begins to develop feelings for someone who really makes an effort to know her.

Overall, I really enjoyed Truth. I’m eagerly anticipating the third book (I really hope there will be a third book.) I thought the conflicts grew and kept me entertained. The government structure seems to be changing, and it doesn’t have such a secure hold on everyone. People are beginning to question their surroundings. The Resistance is growing in power, and creates more interruptions. The secondary characters begin to really stand on their own, and I enjoyed their growth. Both XVI and Truth were thought provoking, and absorbing. I recommend these books for dystopian fans. The world is unique, and intriguing.


  1. While I had a little trouble with the characters in XVI, I found the world to be horrifying and fascinating at the same time, and am really looking forward to seeing what happens in Truth. Seems like there's a lot of growth and building of conflicts in this installment, so I can't wait to get my hands on it. Thanks Jennifer!

  2. It sounds like this was a really solid installment in the series, and that you enjoyed it a lot. It does sound as if this one was more character driven than filled with worldbuilding, which is interesting. I am glad that you enjoyed this book, and will be looking for XVI when I can. Great review today!

  3. I don't believe I've heard of these books but they sound as if they're made of all things I love about dystopians. I'll have to look further into these books.

  4. Oh, interesting. I wasn't that big a fan of the first book, but this one sounds like it's a little more to my taste. Nicely reviewed!

    Wendy ♥ The Midnight Garden

  5. wow, it seems this one is a lot better than the first one.
    great review my dear! =D

    Dazzling Reads

  6. That fact that you're hoping for another book speaks volumes! This sounds like a winner!

  7. I tried to read XVI last year but I didn't finish it. However, this one sounds better that the first book. I'm glad you enjoy this. Great reveiw.
