
Be omnivorous, don't just read one kind of book, read everything. - Richard Wagamese

Sunday, March 11, 2012

In My Mailbox

Hi everyone,
My reading has slowed down in the last couple of weeks, I really hope to change that soon. Work has been busy, and I haven't been in the reading mood when I come home. I've been using a new app to publish posts from my IPad, it's called Blogsy and I really love it. I mostly use my iPad and I'm so excited to use this app. Thanks to @jjireads for recommending the app!
My subscribers number keeps diminishing on Google Reader, I'm really trying to not let it bother me. I keep hoping to see it get bigger...
This week I received some great review books.

The Reckoning by Alma Katsu
Her Highness the Traitor by Susan Higginbotham
Patient Number 7 by Kurt Palka
Equal of the Sun. Y Anita Amirrezbani
The Bellwether Revivals by Banjamin Wood


  1. Equal of the Sun looks interesting. Hope you enjoy all the books!

  2. Patient Number 7 looks really good. I had a big dip in subscribers because I use Wordpress and lost GFC, but I'm trying not to think about it :-) Hopefully those who appreciate what you do, like me, will make the difference.

  3. I know what you mean about not being able to read as much in the last couple of weeks -- I was so busy with everything too that I just didn't have the time! But now that it's March break, I'm happy to be able to have more reading time. :) Hopefully you can find some too!

    Awesome mailbox this week, Mrs. Q! I'm really sorry to hear about your followers again -- I really hope that it goes up soon too! But for now, have an amazing reading week! :) <3

  4. Great set! I love the cover for Bellwether Revivals. Enjoy!
    My IMM

  5. Great haul. I've not heard about any of those books but I'm looking forward to your reviews.

  6. Great stack!
    Loving the pretty scrolly pink frame btw :)

  7. Nice looking haul there. I think your subscriber dropping is a result of GFC being discontinued for blogger blogs. So don't take it personal, I'm sure they will be built back up. Hopefully on a widget that will stick around for EVERYONE for a long time. Good luck and happy reading!

  8. Your new books look great. I'd love a copy of The Bellwether Revivals by Benjamin Wood - enjoy

  9. I'd like to read your review of Her Highness!

  10. Enjoy your new books. I'm going to check out the blogging app - going on vacation soon and would prefer to take only the iPad. Have a great week!

  11. Nice mailbox! I'm curious about The Reckoning and Patient Number 7. Enjoy!


  12. These all are new titles to me. Have a wonderful week, and happy reading!

  13. Her Highness the Traitor sounds like an excellent book, as do a lot of these others that you have featured here today! I hope that you enjoy all of them, and can't wait to read your thoughts!

  14. Terrific mailbox! All those titles are new to me.

    Hope you week is a good one!

  15. Ohhhh, lots of pretty covers in your mailbox this week! I hope you enjoy reading them all!

    1. Never heard of these, a nice mix.


  16. I can't wait for your thoughts on the Susan Higginbotham book. Happy reading!

  17. Love that all your covers for this week have oranges or reads in them! They're all so bright and colorful and I want them on my shelf:) Looking forward to your reviews as always Jennifer!

  18. Hurray for being able to blog from your Ipad. I'm a tech throwback and not very good at it, but I can totally understand why you love it. What great books. I'm looking forward to The Bellwether Revivals. And everyone's right the covers are all fabulous. Hope your reading slump ends soon. When it does it looks like you have some good reading to look forward to.

  19. I'm not familiar with any of these books, but I hope you enjoy them!

  20. I'm so very jealous of Her Highness the Traitor! Looking forward for your review :)

  21. yum yum yummm... want to read them all!

    PS hi, from your newest follower! <3

  22. I've been super busy too in the last two months and feel like I'm out of the loop cause I'm not visiting as many blogs as I'd like. I'm following you again on GFC although you are on my blogroll and that's how I access your blog! Have a great reading week.

  23. The Bellweather Revival looks like a book I would love!

  24. I am seriously envious of your mailbox! Can't wait to read The Reckoning, Her Highness the Traitor and Equal of the Sun. Will be looking forward to your reviews on these ones :)

  25. It looks like you're in for some good reading! Patient Number 7 catches my eye.

  26. Her highness the traitor, ahhhh! That books is on my list for a while.

    Have fun reading!
