
Be omnivorous, don't just read one kind of book, read everything. - Richard Wagamese

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Review: Miracle Beach by Erin Celello

Publisher: NAL Trade
Pages: 352
Source: Personal Copy
Released: 2011
Rating: 4.5/5


Macy Allen has always loved horses, and when her wealthy grandfather agreed to fund her future, she chose to be an equestrienne. Living in beautiful Vancouver, Macy married the man of her dreams and recently discovered she was expecting. When she least expected it, a tragic accident took her husband and robbed her of her unborn baby. A grieving Macy has to deal with her mother-in-law, Magda, who is not shy about blaming Macy for the death of her son. Nash’s father, Jack, has tried to give his wife time to grieve but when she is unwilling to apologize to Macy, Jack can’t deal with her any longer. Jack decides to visit Macy, and learn more about his son. Macy is reluctant, but understanding about Jack’s visit. When life couldn’t feel crueler, Macy discovers that Nash hasn’t been the most honest, upfront husband. His secrets taint her perfect picture of a husband.


Miracle Beach was a very interesting read, and I thoroughly enjoyed the storyline. Emotions are real and raw after the death of Nash, and everyone is trying to cope with their feelings in their own selfish way. Magda may seem like a horrible mother-in-law but she is thinking irrationally when her only son dies and everyone caters to Macy. She was his mother, and she feels irrelevant, set aside. Macy would never have guessed that Nash was keeping such a crucial secret. She discovers the shock of her life, and she feels betrayed and heartbroken by a man she is grieving. A man she can no longer confront. No one is able to understand what she is going through.

This novel is told in three perspectives, Macy, Magda, and Jack’s. It was very well written, and as a result the characters were really well developed and able to convey their emotions. I was able to understand where each character was coming from, and how they progressed. Celello did an amazing job creating complex, flawed characters with a real voice and strong opinions.

Miracle Beach is an engaging, emotional read. I highly recommend this one for book clubs, and those who are looking for a book that will leave you stuck contemplating the characters after you’ve closed the cover. This is a story of love, loss and secrets. Life must continue, and people must learn to cope with less than ideal situations.


  1. Wow this one sounds intense. I like that it's told from those three viewpoints because they all have such different perspectives.

  2. I love books that leave you thinking about issues and characters long after you've finished! Something I can contemplate and turn over and over in my mind usually marks a good read for me. Miracle Beach sounds great!

  3. I like the idea of a big secret being revealed.

  4. I love an emotional read that really moves you and this one sounds like a good one!

  5. Oh my gosh I feel so awful for Macy! I can't imagine losing a husband and child and then finding out that that husband wasn't the main I thought he was. And to top it all off, she's being blamed by the MIL. Poor woman!

  6. This does sound intensely interesting, and like something that I would love to read. Like Jenny, I can't imagine going through what Macy went through, and I would love to find out how it all works out. Fantastic review today! I need to read this book!

  7. Great review, you've convinced me to add this to my list. Plus the cover is great.

  8. I love books told from different perspectives like that. This book sounds like a winner.

  9. This does sound like a great read! Since I haven't heard of it before I thank you for bringing it to my attention and I will add it to my wishlist now.

  10. This one sounds perfect for my book club! I'll have to add it to our TBR list.

  11. This sounds like a must read. I enjoyed reading your review.

  12. I love the title of this one. And I have to admit, you have me intrigued about all that she learnd after her husband passes away and how it may have changed her view of him. Sounds like an emotional story.

  13. Wow, talk about a horrible situation to find yourself in. I'm definitely intrigued about the aftermath of everything that happens to Macy and ahhh, suspicions are already filling my head about what her husband's betrayal could be. Thanks for the great review! :)


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