
Be omnivorous, don't just read one kind of book, read everything. - Richard Wagamese

Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Review: Love Anthony by Lisa Genova

Publisher: Gallery Books
Pages: 320
Released: Sept 2012
Source: Publisher
Rating: 5/5


Love Anthony is centered around Olivia and Beth. Both women have their lives turned upside down, and they must find away to stay afloat. Olivia’s world came crashing down when her three year old son was diagnosed with autism. Anthony hated to be touched, wouldn’t look at his parents and couldn’t speak. Just as Olivia was learning to live with Anthony’s autism and not worry about everyone else, he suddenly passed away. Since the death of Anthony, Olivia and her husband have separated and filed for divorce. She’s moved to Nantucket and hopes to pick up what’s left and put together some semblance of a life.

Beth Ellis has three beautiful daughters and a distant husband. When she receives a card that reveals her husband is having an affair, Beth isn’t even surprised. Fourteen years of marriage and she’s suddenly unsure of her future. While her husband is walking out the door, she wants to tell him not to go, she wants him to stay. Beth begins to reevaluate her life, and she begins to write. She’s always loved writing, but never took the time for her own interests. When Beth uncaps her pen, she finds the voice of a little boy with autism, and begins to write a story in his perspective.


Love Anthony will pull at your heart strings, leave you in tears, but in the end you’ll be glad you read it. This book is impossible to put down. The story of Olivia and Beth is so heartbreaking and real. Their chance encounter brings them together, and Beth’s book brings Olivia closure. Olivia did everything for her son, but she would love to know if he truly understood that she loved him. Once Anthony was diagnosed, their lives were forever charged. They stopped being invited to birthday parties, and Olivia had to realize that her son would not accomplish the same milestones as other children. Her world became very small and lonely.

Beth is so confused, angry and scared. Her fear makes her want her husband back, but Jimmy seems content with this other woman. She doesn't feel good enough. Beth realizes that she’s been putting herself last, and she needs to find something for herself. When she begins writing, she has trouble keeping up with the words that spill out from her pen. She begins to realize she is more than just a mother and wife.

Lisa Genova’s writing is beautiful, her storytelling is incredible. This will be a book that you keep recommending over and over. I couldn’t wait to write my review for this one, because I want everyone to read it. I was emotionally captivated by this story. Both Olivia and Beth were compelling characters. Their lives uprooted, and eventually they begin to pick up the leftover pieces. I read Still Alive by Genova and years later, I can vividly remember the book. Love Anthony will certainly have the same impact on me.

On Sale September 25th!


  1. Oh I'm so glad you loved it. I also liked Still Alice so I was excited to hear she has a new book. Going on the buy list!

  2. I am going to have to read this one, it sounds wonderful!

  3. Sounds heartbreaking and moving -- and definitely like a tearjerker.

  4. I imagine this would be a book that would make me cry and also make me think, and though I haven't read any of Genova's stories, this one sounds like it had a tremendous impact on you. This was a fantastic review, by the way. I loved it!

  5. Sounds powerful and slightly heart breaking. My heart hurts for Olivia already. Thanks for the great review.

  6. I've read both of Genova's books and can't wait to read this one. She tackles topics that interest me. So glad you loved it!

  7. I knew this one would be an emotional read. I can't wait to read it.

  8. Sounds like a very emotional story. Glad you enjoyed it and I'll definitely keep it in mind.

  9. I was just looking at this in my TBR pile. It sounds wonderful!

  10. Oh, this sounds really, really good to me!

  11. For those of you who have not yet read her previous two books, STILL ALICE and LEFT NEGLECTED, there's still time before LOVE ANTHONY comes out next month. Her first two were flawless, and both of them high up on my All-Time Favorites List. Cannot WAIT for #3!

  12. I love Lisa Genova's writing and am so happy that she's written another book! Still Alice and Left Neglected left me wanting more of her books. I could not put either down and am looking forward to reading Love Anthony.

  13. I am so looking forward to this book. I have read both of her other books and they were wonderful. Lisa Genova is an excellent writer who knows her craft well.

  14. I can testify that Lisa Genova is also very gracious to other writers.

  15. Lisa Genova does have a wonderful writing gift. I love the premise of this one, although I think I would need to have some tissues handy. Yet another one for my to-buy list.

  16. This looks great and since I've liked Genova's previous works, I'm looking forward to it.

  17. I cannot wait to read this one!! I loved Still Alice, but Left Neglected was just so-so for me, but this one sounds promising!
