
Be omnivorous, don't just read one kind of book, read everything. - Richard Wagamese

Monday, July 25, 2016

What I'm Reading, What I Recently Read

My Thoughts:

I started Reading Lighthouse Bay by Kimberley Freeman, and I'm so far I'm really enjoying it. I haven't been reading as much as usual and I have been pretty laid back about my reading. I have read Wildflower Hill and really liked, so I wanted to try this one. I was a little worried that I wouldn't like the two story lines/time frames but it doesn't seem to be a problem. I'm entertained by both main characters.


From the author of Wildflower Hill, this breathtaking novel travels more than a century between two love stories set in the Australian seaside town of Lighthouse Bay.

In 1901, a ship sinks off the coast of Queensland, Australia. The only survivor is Isabella Winterbourne, who clutches a priceless gift meant for the Australian Parliament. This gift could be her ticket to a new life, free from the bonds of her husband and his overbearing family. But whom can she trust in Lighthouse Bay?

Fast-forward to 2011: after losing her lover, Libby Slater leaves her life in Paris to return to her hometown of Lighthouse Bay, hoping to gain some perspective and grieve her recent loss. Libby also attempts to reconcile with her sister, Juliet, to whom she hasn’t spoken in twenty years. Libby did something so unforgivable, Juliet is unsure if she can ever trust her sister again.

In these two adventurous love stories, both Isabella and Libby must learn that letting go of the past is the only way to move into the future. The answers they seek lie in Lighthouse Bay.

Rating: 3/5 Stars

My Thoughts: 
While I was on vacation, I picked up Vampire Academy. It was on my ereader for years, I decided to try it. It was a good read, but it didn't hold my attention as much as I wanted it to. I do think it's a good start to the series, and I'm hoping to like the second book even more. I thought the background information, and the character building was interesting. Richelle Mead was really good at building the world, but I felt like there wasn't alot of action. I'm sure it's because it's the first book in the series, and there's a lot of world building happening. I haven't read any Vampire or YA books in awhile, and I would like to try an "adult" vampire series. If you have any recommendations, let me know. 



Lissa Dragomir is a Moroi princess: a mortal vampire with a rare gift for harnessing the earth's magic. She must be protected at all times from Strigoi; the fiercest vampires—the ones who never die. The powerful blend of human and vampire blood that flows through Rose Hathaway, Lissa's best friend, makes her a dhampir. Rose is dedicated to a dangerous life of protecting Lissa from the Strigoi, who are hell-bent on making Lissa one of them.

After two years of freedom, Rose and Lissa are caught and dragged back to St. Vladimir's Academy, a school for vampire royalty and their guardians-to-be, hidden in the deep forests of Montana. But inside the iron gates, life is even more fraught with danger…and the Strigoi are always close by.

Rose and Lissa must navigate their dangerous world, confront the temptations of forbidden love, and never once let their guard down, lest the evil undead make Lissa one of them forever…

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