
Be omnivorous, don't just read one kind of book, read everything. - Richard Wagamese

Wednesday, September 28, 2016

5 Things I Didn't Expect When Bringing Home My Baby

  1. You know the saying “sleeping like a baby” well I learned babies don’t sleep that well... Atleast Caleb didn’t, he was literally up ALL night. This went on for weeks and weeks, eventually I had to start co sleeping because it was the only thing that worked. The minute I would lay him down in his bassinet or crib, he knew and would wake up. No matter how gentle I was...I spend MANY hours in my rocking chair.

  1. I had no idea that I would feel incredibly lost when I brought Caleb home. I would second guess myself, I had no idea what I was doing. I thought I would just “know” and it was hard for me to realize that there was a learning curve, and I needed to give it time. Everyone gave me advice, and it gave me alot of anxiety. Especially when they were telling me to do the opposite of what I researched.

  1. My C Section was not as hard and painful as I was expecting. When I was in the hospital, I kept waiting for the excruciating pain, but it didn't come. It really wasn’t that bad. I was terrified. I didn’t even take pain killers, Tylenol was sufficient.

  1. I had pregnancy P.U.P.P (ITCHY Rash) and it was horrible! It was literally a rash that covered my entire body, except my face. I was so itchy, that I couldn’t even sleep when Caleb did sleep. My feet were probably the worst, and I didn’t know where to put them or what to do. This rash went away a few weeks after Caleb was born and came back 6 weeks later. I cried, I was so discouraged. The only thing they could give my was Benedryl, and I was already SO SO tired.
  1. I had no idea that I would be so scared of something happening to Caleb. He slept with a Levana monitor, and I would still check him all the time.

3 Things I Would Tell A New Mom

The first 8 weeks are the hardest, and you seem to settle into your new role. Both Mom, Dad and baby are learning how to fit into this new world. It’s normal to be afraid and feel lost, but give it time. I remember thinking “when will this get easier” it does, but it took awhile

If you need the help, and have it- Take it! I’m the type of person who wants to do every thing myself, and some times you need to step back and allow people to help you. Sleep deprivation will make you feel like you’re going crazy.

Take time to take care of yourself. Don’t forget that you need to be happy, healthy and sane to take care of baby. This new world is going to take some adjustment, and you need to figure out how to make it all work.


  1. Glad to hear things are settling in for you. I remember those days well. My first slept through the night the first night home.....and that was the last time for a long time. She got on this crazy schedule where she would sleep 12 hours....from 5 pm to 5 am! :(
    I also remember that things were some much easier with the 2nd. My pediatrician was a mom with kids about my kids ages, and I distinctly remember her saying....isn't it so much fun the second time when you are relaxed because you realize you aren't going to kill them!
    Have fun!

  2. Caleb is two and he still doesn't sleep a full night. He wakes up a minimum of once a night. I'm not sure if we'll have a second, but I would hope to be so much more calm and relaxed. Trust myself more.
