
Be omnivorous, don't just read one kind of book, read everything. - Richard Wagamese

Tuesday, November 1, 2016

Book Thoughts: Wenjack by Joseph Boyden

Book Description

An Ojibwe boy runs away from a North Ontario Indian School, not realizing just how far away home is. Along the way he's followed by Manitous, spirits of the forest who comment on his plight, cajoling, taunting, and ultimately offering him a type of comfort on his difficult journey back to the place he was so brutally removed from.
Written by Scotiabank Giller Prize winning author Joseph Boyden and beautifully illustrated by acclaimed artist Ken Monkman, Wenjack is a powerful and poignant look into the world of a residential school runaway trying to find his way home."

Book Thoughts:

Wenjack by Joseph Boyden is a book that I cannot properly review. This is an amazing novella that is important literature that needs to be read. So many Canadians are not aware that residential schools existed for us, and they have no idea how atrocious they were. We need to change our history books because this needs to be taught in schools. Joseph Boyden is an amazing author. He really is, and I plan to read all his books. Wenjack is essential reading, please pick it up. This book is short and will leaving you deep in thought. It's important for our residential school survivors that we learn what they went through. The last residential school closed in 1996, it was an attempt to "kill the Indian out of the child." Many of these federally run schools had their own graveyards.

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1 comment:

  1. Sounds like your history is taught much like our history is. The novella sounds great!
