
Be omnivorous, don't just read one kind of book, read everything. - Richard Wagamese

Sunday, April 21, 2013

Mailbox Monday

Hi Everyone!

I've been having a hard time reading and blogging lately. I'm not in the mood and have no energy. I'm trying to just take it easy, and go with the flow. In April, I've read 1 book... 1! This has never happened before. I'm hoping to change this soon. I have so many reviews that I need to write.


Here are some review books I received:


The Light in the Ruins by Chris Bohjalian

Duchess by Susan May Warren

The Lighthouse Bay by Kimberley Freeman

The Best of Us by Sarah Pekkanen

Orphan Train by Christina Baker Kline

Royal Mistress by Anne Easter Smith

The Dark Heroine by Abigail Gibbs

From Ashes by Molly McAdams

Taking Chances by Molly McAdams



  1. Just step back for a little while and you'll get back in the groove. The worst thing you can do is put pressure on yourself.

  2. What a stack!

    That sounds smart doll. Good luck regaining your mojo.

    Is the weather still icky in your parts?

  3. That happens to me at times too when there are so many things to do and my body and mind shut down. Take it easy like you said. I've seen most of the books you just got and I hope they'll get you back in the groove.

  4. You have a wonderful looking bunch of books. Relax and be kind to yourself! It will work itself out. Have a great week.

  5. I'm on tour for the Molly McAdams books. I'm not even sure I know how to describe, but I can say get ready for a roller coaster of emotions!

    And unfortunately, I don't have a review copy, but Royal Mistress is one I know I'll be picking up. I've loved everything of Anne Easter Smith I've read, and I'm sure that's another one I'll enjoy!

  6. I get out of the reading and blogging groove sometimes too. Just take a break and you'll come back refreshed. Read something fun for you and don't stress about reviews :)
    I just finished the Best of Us today - it's cute. The Lighthouse Bay caught my eye too.
    Have a good week!

  7. I hope you feel better soon and get your reading mojo back as well. Take care.

  8. Hope you find your mojo soon! It sucks so much when you get into a rut!

  9. I have not been a very good blogger either, and I hope to change that by catching up on some reviews and getting into the reading groove again. So far, it hasn't happened, but I am giving myself time. I know I will get it back, and you will too!

  10. I think we all go through phases with reading and blogging at some point. Hope you get back into the groove soon. Enjoy your new books!

  11. Great mailbox. I wouldn't know where to start reading with all these!
    2 Kids and Tired Books MM
