
Be omnivorous, don't just read one kind of book, read everything. - Richard Wagamese

Friday, December 4, 2015

If We Were Having Tea...

Hi Everyone,

If We Were Having Tea... I would tell you that Caleb turned 2 on the 3rd! We are having his party on Saturday, and I can't wait for him to see all the Firetruck decorations. I've been working on them for about a month.

If We Were Having Tea... I would tell you that I'm currently reading Gwynneth Ever After by Linda Poitevin and I'm really enjoying it. It seems like a cute romance, and I'm in the mood for lighter, happier books. I'm looking into Christmas books and hope to read one next.

If We Were Having Tea... I would mention that I finished The Golden Son by Shilpi Somaya Gowda and loved it! Her debut novel The Secret Daughter is one of my favorite books and I'm so happy, I loved her second as well.

If We Were Having Tea.. I would tell you that I'm about half way through my Christmas shopping. I love Christmas, but the shopping part is the most stressful. We cleared out Caleb's playroom to try and make room for his new toys. He's really good about playing with all his toys. When he stops playing with them, I will bring them to my parents and he plays with them there because they're "new."

If We Were Having Tea... I would say Thank You to all of you who have been supportive and send me nice comments, especially on my parenting posts. I think it's really easy to be too hard on yourself when you're feeling stressed.


  1. Happy birthday to your little guy! I hope his party goes perfectly!

  2. Happy birthday, Caleb! I need to get with the Christmas shopping but I don't know what to get a couple people.
